mardi 13 septembre 2011

Nouvelle poussée de la pauvreté aux Etats-Unis en 2010

Le taux de personnes vivant sous le seuil de pauvreté a continué à progresser en 2010 aux Etats-Unis, atteignant 15,1%, soit son plus haut niveau depuis 1993, a indiqué mardi le Bureau du recensement.

En termes absolus, 46,2 millions de personnes vivaient "dans la pauvreté" en 2010, ce qui constitue un record en 52 ans, ajoute cette émanation du gouvernement américain.

Suburban Ghetto: Poverty Rates Soar in Suburbia

For well over half a century, the American dream has typically centered on life in the suburbs. A move to the idyllic suburbs—picket fences, sidewalks, cul-de-sacs, the whole deal—has traditionally signified success, a move up the economic ladder. Lately, however, the ‘burbs host millions more residents living below the poverty level than do America’s “poor” inner cities, and poverty rates in suburbia are rising faster than any other residential setting.

According to the Brookings Institution’s recent analysis of Census data, poverty rates rose all over the U.S. during the recession era: From 2007 to 2010, poverty rates increased in 79 of the 100 largest metro areas, and median household income decreased in 82 of the 100 largest metro areas.


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1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

en 2011 cela sera pire encore malheureusement